Fourth Pan Asian Biomedical Science Conference

We are pleased to announced that the The Fourth Pan Asian Biomedical Science Conference will take place from December 5 to December 7, 2018 in Danang, Vietnam. This Conference is built on the success of the 3rd Conference which was held in Kuala Lumpur last year. The Conference is organized under the aegis of the University of Danang and the Asia International Science Consortium.
The theme of this year conference is "Biomedicine in the 21st Century: Asia-Pacific Insights". The Organizing Committee is developing a very stimulating scientific program that will bring together the region's best in the field of biomedical science. The Conference will feature six tracks that are relevant to clinicians, basic scientists, and health care professionals:
· Clinical translation
· Traditional medicine
· Personalized medicine
· Risk assessment
· Medical devices
· High thoroughput data and bioinformatics
We are writing kindly ask for your support by submitting your abstract to the Conference. We are hoping that your abstract is aligned with one of the above tracks. The conference website is:
We look forward to meeting you in Danang !
Professor Tuan V. Nguyen
A/Professor Chan D. Nguyen
Co-chairs, Organizing Committee